Doodle Lovely Blog

A Patient Daily Wait | Doodle Lovely

Written by Melissa Lloyd | Jan 19, 2021 5:00:00 AM

We are in the season of patience. Lao Tzu tells us “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

At this time of year, we can feel unsettled. We are surrounded with shades of grey and the coolness of winter.

A patient daily wait is mother nature’s cycle to rest and replenish. It’s a gift!

Sounds idyllic but why do we struggle with patience and slowing down especially at this time of year?

In the 21st century we seem to have lost the ability to honour our body’s natural rhythm. We disrupt this by constantly moving through each day thinking we need to be as productive, accomplished and complete long lists of our own making.

Does it really matter if you do not do everything on that list of to do’s? It doesn’t when it comes to our overall wellbeing. 2007 study by Fuller Theological Seminary professor Sarah A. Schnitker and UC Davis psychology professor Robert Emmons, patient people tend to experience less depression and negative emotions.

Yes! We are in the season of patience. Lao Tzu tells us “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

I ask you to try this today. Slow down even for 5 minutes, listen to your body. What does it need? To go for a walk, retire to bed early, slow down with a quiet activity, embrace a hot beverage in quietness? 

When we start to listen and become more patient with ourselves, giving ourselves permission to embrace the season of slowing down, instead of filling life with urgency and busyness, we start to bring more grace and connection to our day. This is a lovely thing.

Melissa x

Need a little help in learning the gift of patience and slowing down? Try our guided doodling tools to get you there. Start Now