After a cold winter where many people find themselves indoors for long periods, spring is stepping-stone for our wellness and creativity.
Right in front of us, there is new growth and change. The colours become vibrant as the life cycle start over again, signalling better times lie ahead.
Energy naturally increases with the longer days. Studies have proven that exposure to sunlight can increase the amount of serotonin in the brain, which can result in people being happier, and also means more creativity!
Sunlight also causes the amount melatonin in our bodies to be lower during the day and increase at night, which helps us sleep better!
Getting out in the fresh air and enjoying mother nature is so important.
And so, as the warmer temperatures continue to rise, remember to get out and top up your creative wellness. Play in the garden, take your doodle book with you and sit in the fresh air or enjoy going for walks.
Just DO whatever you can to get out and embrace spring!