The holidays are meant to be the most wonderful time of year, filled with giving, spending time with loved ones, delicious food and memories made.

The reality is many people dread the holiday season and would prefer to avoid it all together. According to a survey, 45% of people living in the US would choose to skip out on the holidays altogether.

“Nearly a quarter of Americans reported feeling ‘extreme stress’ come holiday time, according to a poll by the American Psychological Association. Holiday stress statistics show that up to 69% of people are stressed by the feeling of having a ‘lack of time,’ 69% are stressed by perceiving a ‘lack of money,’ and 51% are stressed over the ‘pressure to give or get gifts.’”

It's not just time, money or buying gifts that impacts peoples stress levels. Family drama, in-laws, broken relationships, loss, the pressure to travel, taking time off work, managing the expectations of others also have an impact.


Here is a list of the top 5 changes you can make to help you feel calmer for the holidays.

  • Make a small change to the traditions this year – Maybe you do not engage in the gift exchange this year, or understanding that no one wants to rock to boat, say no to 1 extra festivity you have been invited to
  • Plan to buy less – Be mindful about who you are buying for and notice when you are going overboard.
  • Ditch perfection – We often set our bar SO high and then are disappointed when what we had in our head for the holidays does not happen.
  • Lose expectations – Expectations often lead to disappointment. Think about some of the expectations you have for the season i.e everyone will get along, I’ll have enough time to do every holiday activity, visiting family will be exciting and relaxing. Will losing one or all of these ruin your holiday?
  • Process your emotions – If the holidays bring up any difficult emotions for you, then know what to expect, be patient and process your emotions. If your emotions become too much to bear on your own, a mental health professional can help you work through this.

Take a breath and remember all we ever have is in this moment. This can help your mind from spinning towards all the what if’s of the future.

Quote of the Week:
“There will be times when you may need a little extra help to reduce your stress. Mindful doodling while listening to calming music is a delightful and effective way to energize your mind and relax your spirit.” – Melissa Lloyd


Enjoy your day and in case no one has told you this lately, you're amazing!

Melissa x

P.S Get ahead of the holiday rush, there is still time to have your stress relieving books delivered to your door! Click here.